Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Interview with Thing 2

She is going to kill me. Plain and simple. Not only is she the cutest little girl EVER but she's pretty dang smart too! Twice this week, in order to dodge a swat (or two) to the buttocks area, she has "changed her attitude." Literally. One night she stuck her hand in her poo as I was changing her diaper (something she knows is just not good) and I said "Audrey Grace, I ought to spank you for that." She immediately started whining "No, I not get spanking mommy. I change my attitude!" All I could say was "Well, you better."

Then yesterday, we were on our way home from story time and I was on the phone. Audrey was pitching a moderate little fit about wanting some gum (which I did not have) and when we got home she was still crying. So I told her that when we got in side she was going to get in trouble for pitching a fit and acting ugly while mommy was on the phone. When I opened her door to get her out she did the funniest, the cutest thing she has ever done in her short little life: she took a ridiculously deep breath, wiped her little eyes as hard as she could and said with out crying "No mommy, I changed my attitude." All I could say was "Well, good." I mean seriously y'all, what am I supposed to do with that????!!!


the ladner family said...

oh my goodness. I could understand if one of them was too cute to stand, but both!?!

su said...

Well, now that I'm completely emotionally drained- with love, admiration, gratitude, and full of joyful tears- I guess I'll go try to sell some real estate. If I carried her around with me all day, I'd have too many clients to handle.

Amanda said...

Hey, if you gave her a percentage of those profits you'd be more than welcome to carry her around with you for a few weeks!!!! :)

Becky said...

Whew! My jaw hurts. I can't wait for Hughston to watch this. He is going to have a fit. His favorite 2 year old baby girl, talking about his favorite team, eating his favorite just doesn't get any better.

Now go buy some gum, Missy.

Beth said...

They are both adorable! I have no idea what you do, they are so darn cute!

Emily said...

The interview was adorable! But the story about her attitude adjustment . . . had me laughing out loud! Too funny!

Dianne said...

I love how Audrey kind'a squenches one eye when she's thinking hard. And, every other single, solitary thing about HER! I would've melted at the "changing my attitude" statements. Too incredibly sweet. I hope she will continue to be able to handle it so well. Wonderful interviews, 'manda.