Monday, March 1, 2010

Interview with Thing 1

I know, I know he is my son but dang it if he ain't the cutest little boy around. He woke up before Audrey did one afternoon and was in the best, most entertaining mood. We had a lot of fun that afternoon! It's so nice sometimes to just have a little time alone with them. And honestly, if he gets any cuter I just don't know what I'll do with myself!


Sam and Nelda said...

OH MY GRACIOUS!!!! How absolutely PRECIOUS!!! Can't wait to get a big huge hug from that sweet lil' Jamsie!!!

Becky said...

Where to begin? I can't believe this video. Hate to tell you for the 1000th time, but his daddy did the same exact thing about Jesus/God at that exact age...hmm.
I'm gonna overlook the part about Jesus living in Alabama. Jealousy doesn't seem appropriate somehow.

...and I am SO gonna select I Would See Jesus next you think Bro. Russ knows the bumble bee version?

Kelly Spezzano said...

Just when you think they can't get any cuter... I love his version of I would see Jesus- and I really like the fact that the bumble bee "spanked" him :) And the "matter o'fact" way he said Audrey hit him with a teapot.. he is TOO much!!!!

su said...

OK, that almost put me in A-Fib!

the ladner family said...

Oh-My-Word!!!! Sooo cute!!!

Dani said...

Well... Alabama is alot like heaven. hahahaha, what a cutie!

Becky said...

Did anyone notice that he's tapping his foot when he starts singing "I Would See Jesus"...?

Anonymous said...

Oh. My. Word.

The End.


His Mercy Endureth Forever said...

That is the sweetest little voice I have ever heard!

Amber said...

Oh my golly gee, is that not the most adorable thing in the world! I want to bite him.