Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Is that you, Corona?

Today marks 18 days that our family has been in self quarantine. 18 days since our children have left the parameters of our little corner of the world. 18 days since they last set foot on campus of their beloved school. 25 days since we last set foot in our church building to worship the Lord together. Now we just sit in front of the computer and watch Jon do a FB live from the back porch. It works and is so uplifting but we are ready to be back at the building with all our loved ones!!

 I picked the kids up from school on Friday, the 13th of March, and we came straight home. I didn’t leave all weekend because I knew it would be overcrowded at all the grocery stores so I waited until Monday, the 16th of March. Went to all 3 stores here in town and tried to stock up as best I could. But it's hard to really fully prepare for the unknown. I have prepared for so many hurricanes and “ice" storms that never amounted to anything, I guess I was somewhat reluctant to spend our entire life savings (kidding) on food once again. Not to mention the fact that I am an under reactor and not an over reactor so it was really hard for me to get my mind wrapped around the fact that I needed to buy food for HOW LONG??? How does one even do that? I got what I could think of without hoarding too much and came home. I have done one grocery pick up since then. I have also done a curb side pick up with a local nursery in Tallahassee, made a deposit at the bank and dropped off a package at the USPS. That’s it. NO where else.

The first two weeks were actually pretty good. J, A, and O were busy from 8-3 every day on their computers doing school work, connecting with teachers and classmates and even doing P.E. That kept their minds occupied and they never complained about being bored. And they actually haven’t even complained about not being able to go any where which is a miracle. I think that the fact that we literally can’t go any where has helped that. This week is their spring break and while we are lamenting the fact that our plans are canceled, they are getting pretty much un limited time on the xbox together and staying up to watch a movie at night. It’s not the road trip we had planned but it will do in a pinch! 

In an effort to keep a little journal during this time and give myself something to do other than stare at the four walls of this house, or be judge, jury and executioner over the amount of snacks my kids try to consume in a day, trot back and forth to the pantry myself looking for things that just aren’t there, looking at all the laundry that needs to be dealt with (why we aren’t going anywhere) and maybe slow down on the memes, I’m going to start actively taking pictures and blogging again. Hahahaha!!!

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