Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Hen Hen

I am not even going to say it. You all know what I want to say but I am not going to say it. It makes it not happen. So I will say this, this handsome little devil is 2 years and 6 months old as of yesterday!

A brief highlight of things he does and says. Theres so much more though. I’ve taken notes. Iv’e just got to write them all down.

Sing baby shark all.the.time. And he will even make up funny words to go with it! He’s very musical!

Streak around the house. We are in the middle of potty training. Sigh. He’s doing fairly well with it. He has good days, really good days, bad days and really bad days. But I think at least by the time summer is over we will have it down pat! He is obsessed with “flushing it out” and I have to keep the bathroom stocked with clorox wipes and paper towels though. The other day he came running into the room I was in and he was naked and I said, where are your undens wears (that’s what he calls them) and he said Ummmmmmm......dirty....old....wet....need to get new ones. And he pauses between each word that he says, too. It’s so endearing!!

He loves to come up to me and put his hands behind his back and say “Prize you, mom” and then pretend like he is giving me something.

He calls mosquitos skeedos.

And he has to have bandaids for EVERYTHING. And I do mean EVERYTHING!!! He calls them banaids.

He used to ask if he could hold the moon. If that doesn’t make your heart melt, I’ve got nothing for you here, friend.

He pronounces his F’s as S’s. So he says swip swops for flip flops, sish for fish and sider truck and sireman. Oh, the day he stops doing that will be a sad, sad day around here.

He used to refer to himself only as Hen Hen and it was the absolute cutest thing ever but over the last few weeks he has started to drop that more and more.

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