Tuesday, January 3, 2017

9 months later....

John Henry Mizell
Born November 28th, 2016 at 8:04 a.m.
Weighed 8lbs, 11oz and was 20 1/4th inches long.

Stay tuned, I plan on blogging again. Hahahaha, yeah I know! Really though, I cannot let this little guy grow up with out the same attention to documentation that his older siblings received. AND I take WAY better pictures now than I did 5 years ago not to mention 9 years ago when I started this blog :) so I have to get back into it. I really lost the desire to take pictures much with my big camera while I was pregnant with him. And I really lost ALL desire and then some to sit at the computer for any length of time. 

i’m setting the bar very low this time and plan on blogging just once a week to start with. I honestly have NO IDEA how I blogged as much as I did when the twins were newborn. Newborns are exhausting and so time consuming. But oh my goodness the joy that they bring to a family surpasses any thing else.


Becky said...

I'm SOOOOOO HAPPY!!!!!!!!! John Henry is beautiful!

Nelda said...

Oh my! Finally... I had stopped looking. By all means Henry needs his "Blogview"����☺️

susan said...

O this is great news. You are so talented in this genre. Happy and just can't believe how beautiful he is