Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Truth be told

Truth be told, I should not be sitting here at the computer blogging, face booking or editing pictures. I should be getting with it cause even though the house is empty of furniture, the kitchen is all packed up and two of the bathrooms have been spit shined, oh my gosh there’s still so much left to do!! You really do not know how much you have until it’s time to move it all out. With each new room I get cleared out it seems that 2 more keep getting added on. We took a huge leap of faith this weekend and moved the bulk of our belongings over to the other house to sit there and wait on us. We are still waiting on a closing date as it seems this lender doesn’t know her way out of a hole in the ground and it’s getting rather nerve racking! We are camping out on mattresses on the floor, have a tiny dorm room refrigerator in the kitchen and two chairs in the living room. I am sick and tired of eating out and even more tired of not being able to pay more attention to my children. I’m not complaining, I’m really not! I’m just sayin!

Any who, I had my camera out for a few minutes Friday evening to get one last pic of the kids out on the sidewalk, a place where we have spent many a evening riding bikes and coloring with chalk and then on Saturday to try and document a little of our move. I got to the point today where I feel like there’s so much to do, I don’t know what to do next so I decided I’d give myself a little “therapy” and blog so I could go through my pictures.  The kids are adapting to our hectic life rather well. They enjoy eating on the floor in front of the t.v. and hearing their voices echo through out this massive house but I am more than ready to get back to our “normal” lives. Please, if you have the mind, say a prayer for all of us involved that this lender gets their act together, sets a firm closing date and that that date is this Thursday, the 6th!! We are ready to start over!!!


Becky said...

oh, Liv...that child never fails to make me smile (the other two do pretty well, too). I've checked this blog twice already today, so it's a good thing you decided to post. I was having withdrawals! I'll say a prayer about your closing date. I'm gonna miss that big ole house!

Sam and Nelda said...

Sometimes ya just gotta do what ya gotta do~ So glad you took the time to blog and edit your pics! Keeps us right there with you...Hold on! It'll soon be mere memory!

Love the sidewalk shots... Crop the twins, love it as a "twin pic". Silly lil' Liv had something going on! No time for a silly pose...