Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Gingerbread or bust

Yesterday I broke out the gingerbread house and attempted to put it together. I was very proud of myself when the walls actually stuck together this time! We went out of the room to let it completely dry for a couple hours and when I went back in to get it for the kids to start decorating, I noticed one tiny flaw in my house. I had used the roof as the sides of the house. Seriously? How did I not notice that? How did I not notice how ridiculously disproportionate the sides of the house were? Well I did not feel like taking it apart then so when Jon came home he had pity on me and fixed it! So today when I got the icing out (that I had mixed up yesterday) it was too thick and I added a smidgen of water to loosen it up. Reckon I added a few smidgens too many and got it too runny to be of any use. I was beginning to think it was just not in the cards for us to decorate a ginger bread house this year. Determined not to fail again, I dug out the icing intended for our sugar cookie attempt tomorrow and voila! I give you Gingerbread 2011 (that’s cheesy, I know).

I love James’ evil grin here!

She was getting ready to turn around and lick her fingers clean of icing....she thought I didn’t
know what she was doing. Haha!! I wish I’d had the video rolling. It was too funny watching her think she was being sneaky!

He looks like he’s diligently working here but let me assure you, the only thing Master James was diligent about was eating candy. And icing!

The finished product!

A close up of our abstract house! The point is that they had fun, right? I’m glad we did it but I have to be honest and say that I am seriously rethinking doing cookies tomorrow. Just the thought of cleaning up another horrific mess makes my head spin. I am panicking a little as it is thinking about our upcoming trip and how I am not even close to being ready. But check back tomorrow (if you are interested) and maybe I will have decided to plow ahead and make another mess any way!

1 comment:

Sam and Nelda said...

Awe! I think it's a wonderful gingerbread house! And who can blame Master James for eating the candy and iceing! I think you're a brave mom for even making ONE mess!!

Oh, how sweet for Olivia to lick the spreader clean~