Our household has been in a funk today. Audrey is sickly due to some sort of viral infection that causes you to run a real high fever, have diarrhea and ulcers in your mouth and on your throat. She is better today since her fever broke last night but she's still whiny and overly sensitive. She is usually my "take a lickin and keep on tickin" child but the slightest bump causes her to fall to pieces today! James has really high moments and really low ones today. I don't think he's ever pulled on my pants leg as much as he has in the last couple hours which means he's probably next and I can't tell you how much that thought thrills my soul! I'm being sarcastic here folks in case you didn't know! We are actually supposed to be in Mississippi right now but somebody had to go and get sick so those plans got squashed. Oh well such is life when ya got youngins to tend to.

Anyways on to my lesson. I was trying my best to get the children's supper together and James was pulling on both my legs screaming at me "Nummy nummy pease, pease" and I could not get him to understand that I was cooking his nummy nummy and could not pick him up. He started squalling so wretchedly that I finally stopped, looked down at him and told him to stop pitching such a fit. At this point Audrey wanders over to him and puts her hand on his back and starts rubbing it. Then she pats his head while she says "Bubba".

I decided that if my little 21 month old daughter could tell that her brother was in such a state to actually stop what she was doing and go pet on him, his mother could at least stop what she was doing and love on him for a bit. (I did but it still didn't help his state at all!)
The other day James was riding on one of his many cars and I watched as he deliberately ran into his sister knocking her over. I got on to him big time and told him he had to tell Sissy he was sorry and give her a kiss. To my surprise he mumbled something that sounded like sorry and quickly got off his car to go give her a kiss! If only we all could be so willing to make up!