Or more like no training wheels!! My big little man decided one day that he wanted to take his training wheels off of his bike so we said okay! And just like that, he started riding his bike like a…..like not a baby any more!! I could hardly believe my eyes. Our son who has always lacked balance and falls a lot at random times through out the day, just took off on his bike with two wheels like he had been doing it forever. He comes home every single day and jumps on that bike and rides and rides. He’s had a few accidents after taking curves to fast and the normal things that cause kids to fall off bikes but he’s enjoying the battle scars :) Uncle Will and Aunt Angela were visiting us the weekend he passed this milestone!! Audrey is not interested in taking such a leap right now but both her front teeth are super duper loose so stay tuned for that!! I was instructed to buy apples at the store this morning :)