Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Wait, it’s only December 11th??

We have been so busy already this month I have hardly had time to catch my breath. Let alone upload pictures and blog or facebook. I am ready for Christmas to be over already which is a shame. And I have decided that next year we are going to start in the middle of December that way it doesn’t drag out so long and I don’t burn out before the candle is even lit. Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Anyway, since November 30th we have had supper with friends, gone to a cookie swap, gone Christmas shopping, been in a parade, had our annual church Christmas partay, will go to a 5 year well check tomorrow, welcome Susu and Pawpaw into our home tomorrow night, go to grandparents lunch on Thursday, go to my sister’s for the weekend to do Christmas with my mother and grandfather, go to another Christmas partay, have a Polar Express Day and a class Christmas partay next week and then get out for a 3 week break. Then we will do Christmas with our kids before heading over to B’ham for the week of Christmas and then head over to Mississippi for the New Year. Shew. Is your head spinning yet cause mine sure is :)

But despite all the hustle and bustle it’s been a good “year” so far and the family time is what we are looking forward to. And we can’t wait. Literally!!

This is my favorite picture

How cute is my little boy on his tippy toes?

Hey, Mama was there!

Trying to put the star on the tree...

Daddy ended up doing it...

Our Elf, Fiskel

Admiring their (our) work

Church Christmas Party

All the kids. Poor Livi....

One day. One day I will get a FABULOUS
picture of my kids in front of the tree covered in lights.
ONE DAY. But not this day.

Merry Christmas and to all a good night!! (in case I don’t make it back on here until next year...)