Wednesday, March 24, 2010

More from the bathroom reader

We had a really great day today with Audrey and potty training. From the time she woke up this morning she was using the pot and never once had an accident! I hope she keeps it up! It was such a nice day this afternoon, we went out on the deck and instead of having to rush them inside every time somebody had to go wee wee, I brought their thrones out with us. (Don't worry, we have really tall hedges blocking the view from the street!) Here are a few pictures of the M&M Queen caught in action!

The Bubster didn't do as well as his sister today. He did however tee tee in his potty once, right after his nap, so the poor baby finally got some mimanims!! He made lots of puddles today but his lack of tee tee in the potty wasn't for lack of trying. He wanted some mimanims soooooooo bad that every few minutes he would ask for them and I would tell him "No, you can only have them if you tee tee in your potty." So, he would go sit on it for about 5 seconds before he'd declare "I have tee tee!" And this afternoon Jon watched him sit there for almost 5 minutes trying to squeeze some out. Poor guy. Good thing he is so darn cute in his super hero tighties....


su said...

Now THAT's cute.

the ladner family said...

i'm with nelda. you are tough! but that's what it takes for success. i hope ya'll have a good day with pottying!

Dianne said...

'manda, when I was young age, a young Mom, I was much more "convicted" than I am at my "softer, fluffier" age. I respect that you are tough. That's SO necessary instead of waffling. That confuses a child. I LOVE the undies and cowboy boots, too. But, M&M's...geesh! Doesn't he get a couple for effort? If you received a package in the mail with James' name, would you open it? lol Good show, Mama!

Kelly Spezzano said...

I LOVE THE SUPERHERO TIGHTIES!!!!! TOO CUTE! And Miss Peach is quite the princess sitting on her throne!

Happy TP trails to you guys! ;)

Sydney Sanders said...

I'm with Nelda, too about slipping him an M&M...when you went out to get SuSu's car serviced, I left them in the living room for about 30 seconds to answer the phone. In that short amount of time...Thing 1 and Thing 2 had eaten every last M&M from my trail mix. The Evidence - green and blue rims around the mouths!